here is last part of my fridrich post, the orientation of last layer(OLL) and the permutation of last layer(PLL)
first, the OLL. OLL is a method were your gonna flip all the last layer so that all the last layer pieces are oriented. OLL are divided by two:
1. 2-look oll
the two look oll is were your gonna orient the last layer in 2 moves (constructing a cross and executing the OLL) and you only have to memorise 7 algorithm.
2. Full OLL
the full is were your only gonna orient the last layer in only 1 move but you have to memorise 57 oreintation
2-look OLL
after orienting the last layer, now you have to permute it.
PLL are also divided by two
1. 2-look PLL
permuting the pieces in two moves( permuting the edges first and then the corners) and only requires to memorise 7 alg
2. Full PLL
permuting the pieces in 1 moves and requires to memorise 21 alg
2-look PLL
if you want to look for all the OLL and PLL cases, here a gud website to visit
Traitor! Palat!
This is what I receive after I leave you all? After I guide you all so
much? I didnt even want to leave but I have to go. You all knew abou...
15 years ago
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