lately, some noobs were asking me:
"anad, boring na juak method lamak tok. x da method barukah?"
(anad, im soo bored with the old method. is there any other method?)
"anad, camne kau dapat solve ya under 1 min? ilmu apa endak yang di pakei ko. ajar aku lok"
(anad, how did u solve it under 1min? wat method are you using? can you teach me?)
after hearing the same question over and over again, i introduce them Fridrich (CFOP)
F-F2L(first two layer)
O-OLL(orientation of last layer)
P-PLL(permutation of last layer)
then, i explain them about this Fridrich thingy and they were like ".............."
so, to make things easier, i decided to post some video on Fridrich methods.
Traitor! Palat!
This is what I receive after I leave you all? After I guide you all so
much? I didnt even want to leave but I have to go. You all knew abou...
15 years ago
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